8 Ways to Increase Startup Employee Productivity

Sep 18, 2023
how increase employee productivity

Employee productivity, whether in corporations, startups, or even home businesses, is essential for achieving common goals. Without productive employees, startups can cease to grow and fail to reach their desired targets. Work productivity is determined by comparing the quality and quantity of work within a specific time frame to achieve effective and efficient results. Simply put, work productivity measures how quickly a worker can complete their tasks according to set targets, utilizing existing resources.

Several factors can impact employee productivity. First, education, which encompasses both formal and non-formal learning experiences. Second, skills, which refer to the ability to master operational techniques in specific fields. Third, abilities, which encompass the competencies possessed by employees, including knowledge and skills.

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Fourth, attitude; for instance, cultivating good habits such as punctuality. Fifth, behavior, which is shaped by attitude. A positive attitude often leads to good behavior. Therefore, once productivity is achieved, it must be maintained to continue benefiting startup companies. Curious about how to do it? Let’s explore the complete explanation below!

1. Create a Conducive Work Environment

The environment referred to here encompasses not only office buildings but also supporting facilities, the working atmosphere, colleague relationships, and workplace security and safety. When everything is in good condition, startup employees will feel more comfortable and enthusiastic about their work.

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2. Provide Opportunities for Innovation

how increase employee productivity

how increase employee productivity

One of the differentiating factors for startups compared to conventional companies is innovation. Innovation is crucial for remaining competitive and relevant in the industry. Therefore, startup employees need space to nurture their creativity, have their opinions heard, and be encouraged to contribute ideas related to product and company innovation. This can be achieved by sending employees to attend seminars, workshops, and boot camps.

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3. Implement a Reward and Punishment System

The reward and punishment system is considered effective in boosting employee productivity. On one hand, this system increases employee motivation to earn bonuses or awards from the company. On the other hand, it educates startup employees through punishments for violations. Rewards can include bonuses, commissions, promotions, or recreational activities. Meanwhile, punishment may involve reduced bonuses or increased overtime.

4. Organize Gatherings

Gatherings or get-together events provide employees with an opportunity to get to know each other, connect with colleagues they rarely work with, and offer a platform for the company to collect feedback. These events can range from meals to outdoor activities and are best scheduled on holidays to avoid interfering with work performance and causing excessive fatigue. As a result, employee relationships, including those with superiors, will improve, supporting overall productivity.

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5. Conduct Training

Training is sometimes viewed as an activity that wastes time and money for companies, despite its significant role in increasing employee productivity. The cost concern can be addressed by providing training through internal seminars featuring employees with advanced skills in their respective fields. Additionally, companies can organize cross-training sessions, where employees exchange skills or teach each other. This becomes particularly valuable when employees from one department are on leave and can be backed up by their colleagues.

6. Align Work with Employees’ Interests and Abilities

how increase employee productivity

how increase employee productivity

This is especially important for startups, given that Generation Z now dominates the workforce. Many of them are drawn to startups due to their familiarity with technology from a young age, but they are also quick to move on from tasks they dislike. Consequently, companies can conduct assessments to gauge employees’ interests, talents, and abilities, then assign them suitable roles. For instance, it’s unwise to force extroverted and creative personalities to work continuously indoors with minimal human interaction.

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7. Ensure Employee Comfort at Work

Comfortable employees tend to be more engaged and active at work, while discomfort can lead to stress and higher turnover rates. Therefore, companies should identify what employees need to perform their daily tasks comfortably, effectively, and efficiently.

8. Allow Remote Work

The post-pandemic work landscape has undergone significant changes, with remote work becoming a prominent pattern. Remote workers often enjoy benefits such as reduced commutes, cost savings, and increased flexibility. For companies, remote work can reduce sick leave rates and operational costs.

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In addition to these eight ways, companies should also focus on effective employee management. For more insights on this topic, check out ASEAN’s Growth & Scale Talent Playbook. These are several strategies to enhance the productivity of startup employees. Companies can implement them comprehensively to achieve optimal results.